Risk Management & Tort Defense

Protecting Montana's Vital Assets & Resources

Public Reporting a Loss

If your claim involves a broken windshield, vehicle damage, or other damage from a highway project, please contact the nearest district office of the Montana Department of Transportation for information on how to file a claim.

If you are a foster parent and your claim involves damage from the intentional act of a foster child, please telephone the Foster Parents Professional Reporting Center at 1-800-841-5161.

If you are a volunteer participating in a university sponsored activity and are injured, please read the claim instructions (Word - 15kb, or PDF - 157kb) and contact your campus representative for appropriate forms. Volunteer insurance is excess of your personal insurance and DOES NOT apply IF you already have insurance.

For all other claims, write us a letter giving date, time, place, circumstances, and your estimate of damages. Include your address and phone number so we can contact you. Please sign your letter.


Department of Administration
Risk Management & Tort Defense Division
P.O. Box 200124
Helena, MT 59620-0124
Fax: (406) 444-2592